Butts Primary
Butts Primary School
At Butts Primary School, the school ethos is ‘One school, one community’ and community is at the heart of the curriculum. The school values each child as an important part of the community and the curriculum celebrates diversity and promotes unity. The curriculum aims for pupils to have knowledge and understanding of their own communities, local, wider and historical. With the knowledge, enriching experiences and activities offered to enhance their skills, the schools aims to enable each child to participate fully in the community now and in future communities as a caring, responsible and confident member of society. Community projects with local residential homes, the local allotment, local businesses, creates opportunities for the pupils to develop their citizenship qualities and skills gained in lessons. Through studies on local, national and international communities, the school encourages British values, tolerance and understanding of others so that the school ethos of ‘One school, one community’ reflects life on a global scale. Butts value the input from our local community and parents and attempt to include them in all areas of school life. This year school will be forming a partnership with a local ‘outstanding’ residential home. Pupils will be working alongside the residents, and will also have opportunities to re-design and decorate rooms to enhance the facilities at the home. This is a very exciting project.
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs Angela Hill – Executive Head Teacher
Donna Marusamy – Head of School
Parveen Khalique – Assistant Head/KS2 Phase Leader/SLE
Butts Road
01922 721 073