Cadmus Support
Core Service to all Cadmus Schools
- School improvement visits
- Pupil premium review
- Pre Inspection review
- Peer review
- Twilight middle leader events – middle leaders to meet for CPD and focused Cadmus development
- ECT Training
- Business Manager - meetings and support
- DSL meetings and support – including annual reviews of Safeguarding Policies
- SENDCo meeting support from Cadmus Inclusive
- Metacognition and Self-Regulation training
- Curriculum review
- Governor review
- Support for Chairs of Local Committees
- Cadmus cup - football, cricket and athletics
- Full 24-hour access to leadership support from Cadmus leadership team
- Well-being of the school senior leadership team
- Strategic planning support
- Self-evaluation support
- NLP Training
- Ofsted updates
- Recruitment support
- Inspection support
- Access to support from all Cadmus Schools